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Yagiz Nizipli
Yagiz Nizipli

Who is Yagiz Nizipli?

Hello there! My name is Yagiz Nizipli, and I’m a member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee and OpenJS Foundation Cross Project Council voting member.

I’m a passionate software engineer with years of experience in building scalable and performant systems using Node.js and other modern technologies. I’m particularly interested in optimizing and improving the performance of web applications and APIs, and I enjoy sharing my knowledge with others through talks, workshops, and blog posts. When I’m not coding, you can find me playing guitar or spending some quality time with my daughter.


  1. Node.js Technical Steering Committee (TSC) member
  2. Node.js performance team founder & member
  3. OpenJS Foundation Cross Project Council voting member
  4. Biome maintainer

Academic Papers

  1. Parsing Millions of URLs per Second - Yagiz Nizipli, Daniel Lemire